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Week #3:

June 24, 2002
Yesterday was my birthday so I am now the big 2-0!! I had a great birthday and a great week!
I've heard from most sites that the third week is the begining of the "bad breakout." Well it wasn't bad at all. (at least not TOO bad)

The day after I wrote on here I felt a huge bump under the skin on my right cheek, I'm talking MOUNTAIN! You couldn't see it, but I could definitely feel it. Well I'm not the type of person to leave a blemish alone, so I started poking at it. Well I must have some magical touch b/c it was gone by the next day (I'm sure it was the medicine playing a joke on me). Earlier in the week I also had a horrible neck and back breakout. Let me tell you, I might have broken out on the jawline before, but never on the back, and I completely sympathise with those of you who do. It's not in the least bit fun! And they took their time going away too!

So now, at the last day of week three, and the brink of week four I'm doing great! I still have spots where my chin exploded from the first week (those took a long time to go away), but its just these crusty, reminder areas. So every morning after I wash my face, I get the tweezers out and pluck the little flakes of dry skin, then moisturize w/ the infamous Cetaphil lotion that I love to rave about!

Well here's some other new updates I'm sure your just dying to hear about:

my hair- Well you'll be happy to hear that the Nioxin shampoo & conditioner worked, but I about wet my pants when I paid for the 2 lb. bottles. They were thirty dollars each, yes, I paid over sixty bucks, but its all in the name of beauty.
So yes, I still have my hair. I even went and got it highlighted which helps to hide the bald spot I was starting to get.
I am also very excited to report that I went 2 days without washing my hair. (I'm not used to this at all, I usually have to wash it EVERY day) And even on the third day my hair didn't look like it needed to be washed, but the fact that I had gone so long sounded so gross... Thats almost as exciting as the clear skin!

tanning- I shouldn't probably tell you this b/c ya'll are going to try and tan, get burned and be pissed at me, so ** DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME!**
Well I am very excited to report that not only can I tan, but I don't even get a little pink, and it doesn't dry out my skin! I tanned 3 days last week and went to the beach yesterday. But like I said, I may just be an exception, so please be careful.

chapped lips- I found a replacement for that Blistex Silk & Shine crap I mentioned last week. Believe it or not, its by the same company, but I really do like it. Its called Blistex Complete Moisture. Works great, you just have to reapply pretty often.

I realized, this morning while taking all my pills that I haven't even mentioned the vitamins I've been taking the past 3 weeks:
Vitamin E- used for hydrating. Maybe this is why I haven't had any trouble w/ my contacts or w/ extremely dry skin.
Calcium- due to the fact that Accutane decreases bone density, I felt like this was appropriate.
Orthotrycyclin- birth control, need I say more??
St. John's Wort- b/c of the mood changes that could happen, I figured my friends would appreciate me taking this. For a sense of "well-being" ***ladies, this might affect your birthcontrol, so be careful!

Still no:
-muscle aches
-thoughts of suicide
-eye irritation

Well that's about it, I'm going to get bloodwork done tomorrow. I'll let you know next week how that goes!