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Week #2:

June 17
Well, yes, I am still alive! Not only alive but doing great! Within this week my skin has changed so much.
Early in the week my skin had this not-so-cute texture to it. It was flaky, but oily; and bumpy, but soft. My chin was still pretty broken out and had this strange "fuzzy" feeling to it. There were all of these soft white things sticking up. I'm not sure if they were whiteheads (i don't really know what those look like), or were just little peices of dry skin.
Well now, on day 14, my chin is almost completely clear. I've read on other journals that this med. make their breakouts linger, this is not my case at all. (i know this is gross, but imformative!) I will pop a zit at night and it will be pretty much gone the next morning, and by the end of the day, completely gone. My skin isn't very dry at all, I put some Cetaphil lotion on at night after I wash my face w/ my Proactive. (I left my Cetaphil face wash at home last week when I was visiting my parents)

Ok now here's the bad stuff:
- Hair loss- I can already see more hair coming out in the shower and when I blowdry my hair. I have a friend who uses Nioxin, and swears by it. So I am on my way to the salon today to pick some up & I will let ya'll know next week how that goes!
- Chapped lips- This whole week I have been a blistex addict. Another journal I read raved about blistex silk & shine. I was unimpressed, to say the least. If you can recommend anything I will love you for it.
- Pasty,Pink, Sensitive Skin- I have gone an entire week without tanning and its killing me! My birthday is the 23d and I can't be all pale at my own party, so I am going to try a tanning experiment all week and let you know next week if I live through it! Pink- My face has this new pink undertone to it that makes me look slightly sunburned, it doesn't hurt, it just looks a little different. My skin is alot more sensitive, I bumped my hand against something at work and it started bleeding!
- Makeup- I go everywhere with makeup! But since the texture of my skin has changed, putting on foundation or concealer is not as easy anymore. It has a cakey look to it if I don't exfoliate enough. But I do recommend Clinique's soft finish makeup. It gives decent coverage, but gets rid of flakey look.
- Dark Urine- (yuck! i know!) I know your supposed to talk to a doctor if this happens, but I really think its b/c of the whole dehydration factor, I'm going to try drinking TONS of water this week, and if it hasn't gone away, then I'll talk to someone.

The positive:
-no depression
-no nosebleeds
-I can still wear contacts without irritation
-no backpains

It sounds like I am doing horrible with all the side effects, but really none of them are all that bad, except for the balding thing (haha)& the chapped lips.
Before I started this medicine, I thought I was going to crawl in a hole for the next 5 months, but I really don't feel or look any worse than I did before. I even went to the Brittney Spears concert last night (i'm a dork! haha)