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Week 6 & 7

Ok, I know I'm horrible b/c I haven't written in lately, but I was in California week six and packing week seven! Luckily I'm young and have a good memory...

Week 6:

Well I guess I was too busy bragging week five about skipping over the initial breakout. It finally came & I promise is was anything but fun. There are a couple of reasons this may have happened though:
1. I had to stop taking my medicine for a couple of days during the whole insurance ordeal.
2. It was fourth of july weekend and I was out partying alot and didn't wash my face everyday.
3. I had a major makeout session (sometimes all that excess saliva breaks you out!)
4. Or it was just a delayed initial breakout!!!

Well reguardless, I was stuck with like 8 to 10 zits all on the lower region of my face. I wasn't about to let that hold me back in Cali., I just pilled on some makeup and partied anyways. You can't even tell in the pictures we got developed, that I'm broken out.

Week 7:

This week improved drastically!
I've started taking 60 mg every day, instead of 60 mg one day, and 40 the other. My skin really isn't all that dry either, I can go without moisturizer and its not a big deal. My lips are still chapped, but I've been using carmex (I lost my Blistex) so its bareable. I think I got maybe one or two new blemishes but they were both really small.
I've felt great!
No muscle aches
No depression (I actually feel better than ever!)
No bloody nose
No more hair loss (I still have tons growing in)

Well thats all! I promise to do a better job of keeping this up to date.